Imagine this. You're stunning. You've got the job, the physique, and the charm. Whenever you make an entrance, you're like a dazzling light in a room full of shadows. So why the hell are you single (insert perplexed emoji)?
Well, allow me to spill the secret. It's the discord between who you are and your self-esteem. You've got this little thing called a mis-match.
Because of this mis-match, you're stuck in a maze of self-confusion. You're wearing a mask, fibbing to yourself about your identity. And honey, if you're lying to yourself, you're inevitably lying to him too.
Sure, you're desired. You're aware that you're a knockout, brainy and seductive. But the moment you step outside, all these certainties fade.
To paint a picture, let's say you're looking for fellow basketball enthusiasts. But instead of hitting the courts, you march straight into a soccer field. Crazy, right? But guess what? You're doing exactly that.
Most of us spend our time where we feel at home. There's a reason you're cozy in that spot. The desire to fit into a group drives you. It's intertwined with your self-esteem and confidence.
Now, let's spin this differently. Picture yourself as a hotshot doctor, a maestro in your field like Dr. Strange. Your Lamborghini's sleek, your home's nestled in a secluded forest sprawl. Post-work, where would you hang out? A swanky, elite lounge, right? Not downing cheap beers in a college town.
You won't be there because you don't vibe with the common folk. You don't belong.
Now, I hear your thoughts whirring. Let's clear the fog.
If you're hunting for basketball players in a soccer field, you might just be the worst soccer player out there. And that's okay. You're interested in basketball, not soccer. But here's the catch. The soccer enthusiasts might assume you're ace at basketball, making you the best basketball player in a soccer field.
Comfortable yet?
But when it's time for some basketball action, they're all about soccer. So, you either join the soccer team or play solo until you find a basketball crew. But if you find that crew, you'll have to confront your shortcomings and improve to stay in the game.
Making sense of this whirlwind can be tricky. But let's untangle the mess. There's a little voice inside your head, a voice only you can hear. When you learn to hang with this voice, you'll find your groove.
Replace the basketball court with anything you love to do. The quest for love becomes simpler when you know where to look. Enjoy a drink or two at the bar, an art exhibition, or a movie with that voice. That's how you own yourself.
Be the Dr. Strange of your life. Hang where the elite of the elite - people like you - chill. You're likely to meet your match there. Find your happy place and spend your time there. If it's a movie theater, go watch a movie. If it's an art museum, head there.
Remember, the universe conspires to give you what you love.